* Decipher command * Smartcard presence test |
decrypt_pkcs | ||
decrypt_pkcs_default | ||
decrypt_pkcs_hook | ||
It has been tested on a debian laptop and a mobian pinephone. The smartcard generation come from inspired by https://github.com/swoopla/smartcard-luks . The OSK-SDL parts are inspired by Mobian package https://salsa.debian.org/DebianOnMobile-team/osk-sdl.
The general steps:
- Erase and initialize card
- Create public/private key pair on smartcard
- Create key file and add it to a LUKS key slot
- Encrypt key file using public key from smartcard
- Modify initramfs to use smartcard to decrypt the encrypted keyfile
- Modify decrypt_opensc script to swicth between smartcard and luks password and add osk-sdl support for touchscreen device
The details:
Install smartcard middleware
sudo apt-get install pcscd opensc
Erase smartcard
pkcs15-init -E
Initialize smartcard
pkcs15-init --create-pkcs15 -p pkcs15+onepin --pin 1234 --puk 4321
Create public/private key pair on smartcard
pkcs15-init -G rsa/2048 -i 01 -a 01 -u decrypt --pin 1234
Create a random key file and add it to a LUKS key slot
sudo touch /root/rootkey
sudo chmod 600 /root/rootkey
sudo dd if=/dev/random of=/root/rootkey bs=1 count=245 #change to urandom if you can't wait
sudo cryptsetup luksAddKey /dev/sda2 /root/rootkey
Export the public key from smartcard
pkcs15-tool --read-public-key 01 -o public_key_rsa2048.pem
Encrypt key file using public key
sudo openssl rsautl -encrypt -pubin -inkey public_key_rsa2048.pem -in /root/rootkey -out /root/rootkey.enc
sudo rm /root/rootkey
Edit crypttab. This change sends the encrypted key file as a param to the keyscript
This should be of the form:
mapped_device_name source_block_device key_file luks,keyscript=decrypt_pkcs
For example:
sda2_crypt UUID=d332ecc5-ce8b-4900-a04a-a79abd029d6d /root/rootkey.enc luks,keyscript=decrypt_pkcs
Install the cryptsetup script and the initramfs-tool hook
sudo cp decrypt_pkcs /lib/cryptsetup/script/
sudo cp decrypt_pkcs_hook /etc/initramfs-tools/hooks && chmod +x /etc/initramfs-tools/hooks/decrypt_pkcs_hook
sudo cp decrypt_pkcs_default /etc/default/decrypt_pkcs
sudo update-initramfs -u
Test smartcard (without USB Key)
Test LUKS Password (without Smartcard)